Registration Info

Where to Register

Registration is through our pack store. For each scout, just select a registration, fill out the information, and check out. Not only can you get your child registered, but feel free to pick up some Pack swag for yourself.

Payment Options

PayPal/Credit Cards

PayPal payments incur a fee of $0.50+ 2% of the total.


We are accepting payment online via as an alternative to PayPal as we are not charged fees Our link is$Pack66matawan

If you don’t have the, you can sign up with our referral link or the code VGMXTTN and you and and the pack will each get $5.


We are only accepting checks in the rare cases that payment cannot be made via the above two methods. Checks must be made out to CUB SCOUT PACK 66  mailed to the Pack Treasurer. Please email [email protected] for postal mailing information.

Financial Assistance

The Monmouth BSA has two programs to assist families that might have trouble paying the fees associated with scouting:

Service Fee Assistance: This program is meant to offset the $52 Monmouth Council fee per scout collected. More information and the application can be found on the Monmouth BSA website at:

Family Assistance: This program is meant to offset registration fees (including insurance fee), costs associated with the uniform (shirt, pants, neckerchief, hat, etc.), or costs associated with obtaining the youth handbook. More information and the application can be found on the Monmouth BSA website at:

If applying to either of these programs, please notify the Pack Treasurer at [email protected]

Per Scout Registration Fee Breakdown

Fee DescriptionAmount
Monmouth Council Service Fee (New Scouts pay at$52
Insurance (New Scouts pay at$15
National Fee (New Scouts pay at$85
Leader Registration and Insurance Offset$20
Class B Uniform (Pack T-Shirt)$14
Scout Awards/Advancement/Pinewood Derby Car$35
Misc Fees (bank fees, web site, scout portion of charter fee)$13
Total New Scouts (New scouts pay national and council fees at$42
Total Returning Scouts$219
Although this looks like a large amount, because scouting is a 10 month program (unlike most activities), it really breaks down to approximately $21.90 per month for scouts.

Detailed explanation of fees

Monmouth Council Service Fee: This Fee replaces the annual “Friends of Scouting” campaign at the unit level. The Board also decided that they will not consider any increase in this fee for five years.  In addition, an assistance program has been established and any family unable to pay the Service Fee may apply for consideration. More details from Monmouth Council can be found here.

Insurance: This is insurance provided at the council level (not national) which covers primary general liability and secondary accident and sickness coverage at all unit, district, and council events.

National Fee: This is the fee we pay to the national scouting organization.

Leader Registration and Insurance Offset: Our leaders are all volunteers, many putting in hours of their time each month to ensure that all scouts have a great experience. All leaders must be registered with the national organization ($65) and be covered by insurance ($15) to act in an official capacity. In addition, we must cover our Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Den Leaders, Committee Chair, Committee Members, Charter Organization Representative, Treasurer, and Advancement Chair.

Scout Awards/Advancement/Pinewood Derby Car: All scouts work toward achieving their rank by participating in adventures and earning belt loops (Lion through Bear) or metal adventure pins placed on the Webelo colors. Once they have completed all of the requirements, they receive an official patch designating their rank. Each of these belt loops and pins are important in helping a scout recognizing the progress they are making and have an associated nominal cost. The pinewood derby is one of the signature scouting events which involves engineering, creativity, sportsmanship, and most importantly, a sense of accomplishment. By providing each scout with the same starting point, we level the playing field while encouraging participation.

All events, outings, equipment, other expense are paid directly or through our fundraising efforts.

Misc Fees (bank fees, web site, scout portion of charter fee): There are a number of reoccurring fees and charges the pack must pay to sustain its administrative functions. These fees are evenly distributed across the scouts in the Pack to ensure we can continue to function at the core levels.

Other Fees/Costs

ItemRankEstimated CostDetails
Lion Uniform1Lion$38Only the Lion T-shirt ($14.99) and Lion Cap ($22.99) are required.
Class A Uniform Shirt1 Tiger
$56A Cub Scout Uniform Shirt ($46) usually lasts between 2 and 4 years if sized and treated properly. In addition to the shirt, you will need the Monmouth Council patch ($4) , den numeral ($1.99), and the pack numerals (2 x $1.99)
Class A Uniform Shirt1Arrow of Light$66This is the same Scouts BSA Uniform Shirt ($53) that your scout will need as they advance to scouts BSA. In addition to the shirt, you will need the Monmouth Council patch ($4) , blue loops ($4.89), and the pack numerals (2 x $1.99).
Cap, Neckerchief and Slide1,2Tiger
$44Each scout will need a cap ($22.99), neckerchief ($12.99) and a slide ($7.99)
Cap, Neckerchief and Slide1,2Webelo
Arrow of Light
$46Each scout will need a cap ($24.99), neckerchief ($12.99) and a slide ($7.99)
Handbook and Adult Partner Guide3Lion
$12.99Lion Handbook and Adult Partner Guide
Tiger Handbook and Adult Partner Guide
Arrow of Light
$23.99Wolf Handbook
Bear Handbook
Webelo Handbook
Arrow Of Light Handbook
Pack CampingAll$15/FamilyThis is an estimate as of September 2024 but may change based on the size of the pack and the success in fundraising.
Blue and GoldAll$20/FamilyThis is an estimate as of September 2024 but may change based on the size of the pack and the success in fundraising.
1. See our Scout and Family Guide page for details on the class A uniform.
2. We have a limited number of hand me down caps, neckerchiefs and slides for those challenged in purchasing them.
3. We have a limited number of Handbooks for use only in the Scout Room and recommend that all scouts have their own